Im April 1993 haben wir darüber nachgedacht, etwas auf dem
Ka-Band für den Phase-3D Satelliten zu schaffen. Die
ursprüngliche Idee war eine Bake. Es sollten ein paar Watt auf 8 GHz
erzeugt werden, die dann mittels Varactor verdreifacht werden sollten.
Diese Idee wurde Karl Meinzer (DJ4ZC) im
Juli 1993 vorgestellt. Karl hat uns überzeugt einen Transponder
anstatt einer Bake zu bauen. Als
gröstes Problem stellte sich die Erzeugung der notwendigen Leistung
dar: 30 dBm auf dem Ka-Band sind eine Menge. Die Verfügbarkeit von
1-Watt-Transistoren ermöglichte die
Realisierung. Der Transponder wird von Stefaan Burger,
ON4FG, und mir,
ON4AOD. Die Verdrahtung und der Test der fertigen Endstufe wird von
Peter Pauwels, ON1BPS und Philip Sanders,
ON7IZ, durchgeführt. Die
Flugversion der Hardware ist seit Juni 1995 in Betrieb und arbeitet zur
vollen Zufriedenheit.
Wieviel Leistung brauchen wir?
Because of Doppler shift, the transponder will be switched on at
apogeum only. So the path loss needs to be calculated for 47000 km.
From this distance and the diameter of the earth we know that we need
an antenna with a -3 dB beam width of 13.7 degrees. Converted into
gain, this gives us 23 dB. We assume a receiver system noise figure of
2 dB. By the time this project will be operational, we will be able to
get a noise figure well below 2 dB with amateur means. The receiver
bandwidth was assumed to be 2400 Hz. Reducing the receiver's bandwidth
to 1 kHz reduces noise power by 3.8 dB. The sky temperature is assumed
to be 50 Kelvin. Some documents claim a sky temperature of 10 Kelvin at
Ka-Band. This would result in 0.9 dB less noise power. The receiver
antenna gain can be higher than the 35 dB used. 40 dB seems reasonable.
Calculating a link budget with these parameters tells us we need 800 mW
of power.
On top of the calculated link budget, we have a number of parameters
that will further weaken the signal. Atmospheric losses losses are an
estimated 0.15 dB/km for water vapour and 0.01 dB/km for oxygen. Rain
is obviously another major cause of loss. A good estimate for
absorption on 24 Ghz is 1 dB/km in the case of 5 mm/h rainfall, and
approaching 10 dB/km in the case of 30 mm/h.
Obere Häfte des Transponders
This part is fed with 470 MHz IF and 1200 MHz LO. The output delivers
800mW on 24.048 GHz into the antenna. The circuit is partly built on
pcb and partly in waveguide. The part from 470/1200 MHz to 7000 MHz LO
and 2800 MHz IF is done on 0.79 mm Teflon. All filtering is done in
microstrip. The tripler from 7 GHz to 21 GHz is partly microstrip -
partly waveguide and the mixer is waveguide. Both the 21 GHz LO and 24
GHz output filters are waveguide. The final stages are again in
microstrip: 0.25 mm Teflon with 6 mm aluminum on the back side to
facilitate the mounting of the connectors and to allow sufficient
cooling for the power transistors. These pcb's are fixed to an aluminum
plate that covers the whole back of the module. This plate radiates the
heat. All connectors at 24 Ghz are SUHNER 3.5 mm. All others are SMA.
The mixer delivers about -10dBm. From there we amplify with HEMT's to
11 dBm. This signal is amplified by two modules to 26 dBm and by the
final to 30dBm. The drivers are HEMT's from Toshiba. They are actually
specified up to 18 GHz but work well at 1.5 cm. Depending on the
device, they give between 5 and 10 dB amplification. The modules are
FMC2223P1-02 and FMC2223P5-01 from FUJITSU. They are internally matched
devices that have internal power supply biasing networks. They will
deliver 21 dBm at 12 dB gain and 28 dBm at 9 dB gain. Since they are
matched for the 22.4 to 23.6 GHz region, we lose some of the
performance. Fuji was so nice to test a batch at our band for us, and
have come up with an actual decrease in gain of 3 dB. This can be
partly compensated by external tuning. The final stage is the prototype
of a new type of transistor from RAYTHEON. It's a 1 Watt PsHEMT, with a
typical gain of 7.0 dB (at 2 dBc) from 20 to 25 GHz. We mounted the
devices on standard 5880 Rogers substrate and obtained very good
Although a dish looks promising, there is a problem with the feed. Both
horn and waveguide feeds are mechanically weak and might not survive
the launch. A Cassegrain feed is good but not suited for this small a
dish. The hyberboloid would block too much of the primary reflector and
thus reduce efficiency.
A horn with a 13.7 degrees beamwidth at -3 dB, a gain of about 23 dB,
would have an aperture of 7 by 10 cm and a length of 22 cm. We have the
flight version of the horn. It is a 26.5 dB gain horn. It is
compensated for equal E and H planes and reduced sidelobes. Because of
this the - 3dB points are close to those of the 23 dB horn. Also, with
40 cm in length, the feed point is close to the bottom of the module
where the output is. This saves on coax.
Created: 1996-02-06
Updated: 1996-02-06
by Ralf Zimmermann, DL1FDT
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