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The Firmware TF 2.6

Description of Commands


1 Introduction

The Firmware (TF) is a AX.25 packet radio software for TNC2 compatible Terminal Node Controllers.

2 Description of Commands


Every software depends on a proper setting of all parameters. The value of many parameters can change according to the used digipeater and/or baudrate. Therefore please read and accept hints from your local digipeater sysop. Further information can be found in your local packet radio mailbox.

ESC A [0|1]
Automatic insertion of LINEFEED-character <LF> after CARRIAGE RETURN <CR> (1=Yes, 0=No).

Default: 1

ESC B [<n>]
If during this time no poll from the DAMA-master is received, the DAMA-mode is switched off. B 0 disables DAMA generally, although not needed, because DAMA is detected automatically and if no DAMA-master is active, the DAMA-mode is off. The display is in the following format: "initial value (actual value)".

Example: "120 (93)"

Default: 120

ESC C [Call]
Starts a link setup (connect) on the current channel. If you specify a digipeater path no 'v' or 'via' is needed. While on channel 0 this command sets the destination of UI-frames.

If a connection is active on the current channel, it will be disconneted. If there are any unacknowledged frames left, the disconnect is delayed until the last frame is acknowledged. A direct disconnect can be forced with a second 'D'-command.

If the 'D'-command is entered during link setup or during disconnect, the TNC immediately returns to disconnected state and sends a DISC-frame to cancel transmissions of the remote station, if the TNC was not able to decode frames of the remote station.

If the 'D'-command is entered in disconnect state, all parameters are initialized to the default values stored in channel 0.

ESC E [0|1]
This command controls the ECHO of characters typed. 1=Yes, 0=No.

Default: 1

ESC F [<n>]
FRACK is the time between the transmission of an information packet and the acknowledgement of the remote station.

Values >15 will be the initial round trip time (IRTT) and the unit is 10 milliseconds.

For values <16 the unit is seconds and the value will be translated to the IRTT by multiplying it with 100 and dividing it through parameter A3.

Default: 250

ESC G [0|1]
Not applicable in terminal mode, used for polling of data in hostmode.

ESC H [<n>]
Configuration of the heard list.


Hdisplay of heard list
H 0disable update of heard list
H 1enable update of heard list
H 2erase heard list
H nSet maximum number of calls in heard list (n > 2)

The last heard calls will be stored, old entries will be overwritten. The heard list is resident, it is not deleted by reset or switching off.

CAUTION: If the heard list contains many entries, a restart may take some time because of internal buffer linking during startup.

Default: 0

ESC I [Call]
Input of own callsign (MYCALL). The default value in the EPROM is all spaces. After disconnect the callsign of channel 0 is copied to the actual channel.

CAUTION: Without a callsign the TNC will not transmit anything.

This command switches between terminal- and hostmode. The hostmode is used by special programs.

ESC K [<n>]
This command controls the clock, calendar and the stamp- function.


Kdisplay stamp and date/time
K 0disable stamp
K 1enable stamp for status messages
K 2enable stamp for status messages and for monitor frames.
K 20.02.88set date, european format
K 02/20/88set date, american format
K 17:36:00set time

Default: 0

ESC L [0..10]
This command shows the link state of one or of all (no parameter specified) channels. Following information will be displayed: connect-path (callsign and digipeater path), number of received frames, number of unsent frames, number of unacknowledged frames and the retry counter. The currently activated channel will be marked with a '+'.

This command controls the display of monitor frames. The parameters specifiy the type of frames which shall be displayed.


Nno frame display
Uunproto frames
Ssupervisory frames
Cdisplay during active connection
+<list of up to 8 calls>: only frames of these stations
-<list of up to 8 calls>: no frames of these stations

A combination of '+' and '-' is not possible. If specified '+' or '-' must be the last parameter before the callsign list. Without a callsign list, the current list is deleted.

Default: UI

ESC N [0..127]
Maximum number of retries (0 means try forever). This value can be changed for each channel independently, but will be restored to the value of channel 0 after reset or disconnect.

Default: 10

ESC O [1..7]
Maximum number of outstanding packets (MAXFRAME). This value can be changed for each channel independently, but will be restored to the value of channel 0 after reset or disconnect.

Default: 2

ESC P [0..255]
Value for p-persistance algorithm. In DAMA-mode a value of 255 will be used.

Default: 32

Cold boot, uses default values stored in EPROM.

ESC R [0|1]
This command controls the digipeat function.

1=Yes, 0:No.

Default: 1

ESC S [0..10]
Activation of a channel (0= unproto channel)

Default: 0

ESC T [0..127]
Delay between start of transmission and start of data (TXDELAY). The unit is 10 ms. Please adjust to the lowest possible value.

Default: 25

ESC U [0|1|2]
This command controls the connect text feature (CTEXT). This text is sent if a remote station connects.

The text will remain stored even if the ctext mode is changed. If mode 2 is selected and the terminal mode is active, a packet received with '//Q' at the beginning will disconnect the remote station. In hostmode this function is disabled.


U 1 Textenter CTEXT
U 1CTEXT will be sent
U 2 (text)CTEXT and //Quit-function!
U 0disable CTEXT
Udisplay CTEXT

Default: 0

Displays the actual version of the software

ESC W [0..127]
Value of the slot time of the p-persitance algorithm. The unit is 10ms.

Default: 10

ESC X [0|1]
This command allows to disable the transmitter.

0= disable, 1= enable.

Default: 1

ESC Y [0..10]
Number of channel which will accept an incoming connect request. The display format is "max. channels (used channels)". Only works correct if the SSID are the same on every channel.

Example: "4 (0)"

Default: 4

ESC Z [0..3]
With this command flow control and XON/XOFF-protocol can be activated.

If flow control is activated no charcater is sent to the terminal during data input.

If it is disabled all received data is sent immediately. If XON/XOFF protocol is activated data output can be stopped using <CTL-S> and continued with <CTL-Q>.



Default: 3

ESC @A1 [<n>]
SRTT calculation: change/display value for a1.

Default: 7

ESC @A2 [<n>]
SRTT calculation: change/display value for a2.

Default: 15

ESC @A3 [<n>]
SRTT calculation: change/display value for a3.

Default: 3

Display of available TNC-buffers.

ESC @D [0|1]
Disable/enable full duplex mode.

Default: 0

ESC @I [<n>]
Change/display framelength for I-polling.

Default: 60

Switch to KISS-mode.

ESC @M [0|1]
7-bit oder 8-bit terminal mode.

In 7-bit mode a control code conversion is active, too which will display control codes with a leading '^'.

In 8-bit mode all control codes are sent without translation. CAUTION: disable XON/XOFF in your terminal-program, otherwise a XOFF will stop the data flow.

Although 8-bit mode is the default mode the real advantage of TheFirmware is the *WA8DED HOSTMODE*. It is recommended to use it together with a special terminalprogram instead of using the terminal mode for binary transfers. 0=7-Bit; 1=8-Bit (only terminal-mode)

Default: 1

ESC @T2 [<n>]
Time between the receiving of a packet and the transmission of the acknowledgement (timer T2).

Default: 150

ESC @T3 [<n>]
Time after which the connection is tested, if no data transfer was done (still alive timer, timer T3).

Default: 18000

ESC @V [0|1]
Test if entered callsign is a valid callsign (1=Yes, 0=No).

Default: 0

3 Authors

Compiled from descriptions of
DB2OS, DF2AU und DC4OXDJ1OR september/1992
Updated for TF2.6DB2OS july/1993
Translated to englishDL4YBG september/1994
Converted to HTMLDL1FDT, 13 Feb 1997